Healthconnect is a non-profit organization created for ALL residents of Texas. Our digital network is designed to link all hospitals, physicians, and health service providers in real-time so essential information on your medical care can be available to providers 24×7, 365 days a year.

Save Time & Money
Your medical information can be digitally shared across the healthcare ecosystem. Avoid phone calls and hours spent driving to pick up copies of your medical records. Eliminate duplicative or unnecessary procedures.

Get Quality Care
Your participating doctor will have a more complete view of your medical history by having access to your historical health information from across the community.

Stay Safe
Should you have to make a trip to the emergency room, the ER staff will have ready access to your medical information—allergies, active medications, problem lists—from encounters you’ve had across the community. Through Healthconnect, your physicians can make safe and quick decisions right at the point-of-care.


How You Participate - Consent

Sharing your information with Healthconnect

When you register as a patient at hospital or clinic, your provider will ask for your consent to share information with the health information exchange.


How You Participate - Access

Information available for all providers

After you give your consent to share, clinicians at other hospitals and clinics in the Healthconnect community will be able to view your medical information.


How You Participate - Opting Out

Opting Out

If you change your mind, you can opt-out

Should you no longer wish to share your medical information in the health information exchange, you can opt-out through your provider—no hospital or clinic going forward will be able to access your medical information.

Patient Privacy

At Healthconnect, we understand that your privacy is sacred. As such, we take precautions to keep your health information secure and protected. Your information is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This privacy rule gives you rights and sets limits on how your information can be shared with other organizations. Moreover, we have layers of security and safeguards in place to ensure that your information is not accessed by unauthorized individuals or entities.